Master Class
600,00 €
Master Class
Daniel Hertz Master Class music player and mastering software for Mac developed by Mark Levinson.

Music player

The user turns on A+ and EQ, adjusts the EQ for the most natural sound, and clicks on Render and Save to make a new lossless AIFF file with A+ and EQ embedded. Files can be processed one at a time (Render and Save) or with batch file conversion (Render Playlist). Render Playlist enables the user to convert all the tracks in an album with a single click and put them in a new folder on the desktop.
The Master Class AIFF files can be played on any player, put into a mobile phone, car audio system, or other device that plays audio. If WAV or mp3 files are desired, NCH Switch Audio Converter can be used to quickly convert the Master Class AIFF file to any format offered by Switch.
History of A+
History of Daniel Hertz EQ
In 1984, Mark Levinson founded Cello, Ltd. to go beyond the limits of current audio playback. The first product of Cello, Ltd. was the Audio Palette, the world’s first state-of-the-art equalizer, designed to fine-tune music program material to obtain the most natural sound. Today, vintage Audio Palettes sell for USD 15,000 to 20,000 if one can be found.
Audio Palettes were used by both residential listeners and professional studios like Polygram, BMG, and Atlantic Records. Based on specifications developed by Dick Burwen, Mark’s electronics mentor, The Audio Palette had a dynamic range of 110dB and other phenomenal performance specs. The Audio Palette contained over 6,00 parts, 48 discrete amplifiers, and handmade 59-position rotary controls using 1% tolerance metal film resistors. Hand-engraved panels and knobs represented the ultimate in cosmetic refinement and elegance. The new price of the Audio Palette at the end of its production was USD 25,000. Master Class software includes the EQ of the Cello Audio Palette in a digital version. Master Class EQ has finer resolution and many cool features, like the ability to store and load playlists and presets and the ability to print new Master Class versions with A+ and EQ embedded.
Why buy Master Class?
If you have favorite recordings and want the best sound, you want Master Class. If you have a high-quality music system and want to get the full benefit of your investment, you want content with the best sound quality. The industry tells you to buy “new versions” of the recordings you already own or buy expensive “audiophile” versions or collector editions of LPs. But with Master Class, you can have the very best quality from either recordings you already own or from recordings you can buy, for example, from Apple iTunes, render and save them, and have sound quality like the original pure analog master tapes or better than the digital master recordings, for free (once you have Master Class and a Mac).
Daniel Hertz Master Class is the lowest cost way to get a much better listening experience with any good audio system with the recordings you already own. You can also use the files on other devices, play them in the car and share them with your friends. Master Class is for everyone!
You can read a full review of the Daniel Hertz Master Class Software by Matej Isak. (Mono & Stereo Audio Magazine, June 2014)
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